
Global Medics
Sport, recreational and older horses often suffer from chronic discomfort. Pro-Motion is a supplement that soothes these inconveniences and improves performance. As well as ingredients with a soothing effect it also contains antioxidants.

In horses with chronic joint complaints it can be combined with a product that supports the joint, such as Arti-Sport or Top-Joint. in addition, Pro-Motion can also be used in young horses who are just broken in.

By adding the very powerful ingredients like harpagophytum, ribes nigrum and yucca, which all have a powerful antioxidant effect, a suppling and soothing effect on the joints and muscles is obtained. With a balanced combination of all these natural ingredients, the activity and performance of your horse will improve markedly.

"Warning: Devil's claw (Harpagophytum) is on the FEls controlled substances list. The administration of Pro-Motion should therefore be stopped 2 days before taking part in competition.

Bucket of 1 kilogram(33-day course of treatment)
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